Saints -- I
Icon of Saint Ignatius of Antioch by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.
Icon of Saint Ignatius of Antioch by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.
Saint Innocent Enlightener of Alaska by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett 2015
Icon of Saint Innocent of Alaska by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.
Icon of Saint Innocent of Alaska by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.
Icon of Saint Innocent of Alaska by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.
Icon of Saint Innocent of Alaska by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.
Icon of Saint Irene Chrysovolantou by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.
Icon of Saint Irene the Great Martyr by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.
Icon of Saint Isaac the Syrian by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett.
Icon of Saints Innocent and Melania by the hand of Deacon Matthew Garrett. Family icon.